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Waldport Public Library

Magazines & Databases (ebsco)

Your library provides you with online access to complete articles from over 10,000 magazines and journals and that's just the beginning. Also available are biographies, reports, pamphlets and additional reference materials. (Your library card number may be required for use.)

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Database Name Description
All EBSCOHost Databases

Full text articles from thousands of magazines, newspapers, books, and pamphlets. Use this option if you want to search all EBSCOHost databases simultaneously, or if you want to selectively search within a variety of subject categories.

Academic Research

Provides full text for nearly 4,700 publications, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.

(Includes the following EBSCOHost databases: Academic Search Premier, Religion and Philosophy Collection, ERIC, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Professional Development Collection, Fuente Academica)

Britannica Online

Provides the Encyclopedia Britannica and other valuable resources for adults and older students.

Britannica Online for Kids Britannia for Kids contains Compton's Encyclopedia, Britannia Elementary, and a wealth of other age-appropriate material for younger students and children.
Business Info

Provides full text for nearly 7,800 scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for more than 1,125 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922.

Education (ERIC)

The Educational Resources and Information Center (ERIC) database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, and contains thousands of journal articles and reports on topics of interest to educators.

Genealogy (HeritageQuest)

A unique, growing collection of research materials for tracing family history and American culture.

Government Publications

United States Government publications.


Provides information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.

(Includes the following EBSCOHost databases: MedicLatina, Alt HealthWatch, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MEDLINE, Health Source - Consumer Edition, Clinical Pharmacology)

Homework Help

Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full text for more than 550 popular general interest and current events publications with information dating as far back as 1975 for key magazines. Also provides more than 500 full text pamphlets, 339 full text reference books, 84,074 biographies, 86,135 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos, maps and flags.


Provides full text for more than 2,000 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest. Also includes nearly 450 full text reference books, 84,074 biographies, 86,135 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos, maps and flags.


All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing.


Provides selected full text for nearly 30 national (U.S.) and international newspapers. The database also contains full text television & radio news transcripts, and selected full text for more than 200 regional (U.S.) newspapers.


ReferenceUSA is the No.1 source of information on businesses and people for researchers, students and job seekers.
World Almanac

Many useful reference resources, including:

  • Funk & Wagnall's New Encyclopedia
  • The World Almanac and Book of Facts
  • The World Almanac of the U.S.A.
  • The World Almanac of U.S. Politics
  • The World Almanac for Kids

A worldwide catalog of books containing over 65 million titles.


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