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Waldport Public Library

WPL Summer Reading Chess Camp & Board Games Week!

WPL Summer Reading Chess Camp & Board Games Week!
  • When Aug 09, 2022 11:00 AM to Aug 12, 2022 02:00 PM (US/Pacific / UTC-700)
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August 9- August 12 (11 am – 2 pm)- Waldport Public Library Chess Camp & Board Games:

WPL Chess Camp and Board Games Week for 7 years to teen. Learn to play or hone your chess skills. Prep to play tournaments. Each day bring a reusable water bottle with your name on it. Bring a small snack each day.

  • Tues., August 9, 11 am- 2 pm. The day begins with meeting chess coach(es), introductions, and rules of chess etiquette. Today, there will be magnet board lesson, magnet board open play, and partner chess playing. Later, at 1 pm, students can choose chess or board game playing.
  • Wed., August 10, 11 am- 2 pm. Day starts with greeting coach(es) and setting up chess boards. There will be a magnet board lesson, magnet board open play, and partner chess playing. Later, at 1 pm, students can choose chess or board game playing.
  • Thurs., August 11, 11:00 am- 2 pm. The day begins with greeting coach(es) and setting up chess boards. There will be a magnet board lesson, magnet board open play, partner chess playing, and talk about Friday Chess Tournament. Later, at 1 pm, students can choose chess or board game playing.
  • Fri., August 12, 11 am- 2 pm. Day starts with greeting coach(es) and setting up chess boards. There will be a magnet board lesson, magnet board open play, partner chess playing, the finding of a designated tournament opponent. A discussion will take place about the Chess Club’s future and tournament opportunities.  

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